Pemton - Sold for Papp Ferenc

Yesssss!! We are extremely happy, that Katrine has a litter finally! Both parents were born here in our Kennel.

Ákos Szabó


Katrine is one of our most amazing females ever! She is the mum of this litter. To be honest i thought something is wrong with her, as we were not really succesful with breeding her. I was very sad, as she looks amazing, she has a great, friendly temperament, and she is really healthy. Her legs are straight, breathing is very good (as a Frenchie) and her movement is also very healthy. I had serious plans with her. She is the type i would like to breed with in Vitabull Kennel. So I was waiting for her to give us a litter since years. And no succes... And no success... I thought okey, we give her a last chance to mate her to have babies. If we had defeat again, than i could tell okey we have tryed our best, but this baby must be a lovely pet, and not a lady for breeding. And hey, look at our homepage to see what has happened!!! She gave us an amazing litter with Niko, and it was more than worth to wait!! Thank you for reading and I wish you a great life: Ákos Szabó 

Pemton - Sold for Papp Ferenc is FOR SALE. Contact me if interested.



Name: Pemton - Sold for Papp Ferenc
Breed: French Bulldog
Sex: Male
Coat: Blue&Tan
Born: July 12, 2020
Parents: Father is Niko, mum is Katrine. Both of these amazing Frenchies were born in our kennel. Some of the grandparents were also born in Vitabull Kennel.


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Pemton - Sold for Papp Ferenc is FOR SALE. Interested? Click here or the button below.