Milka - Great old Milka had passed away in august of 2022. He was 11 years old. We hope he will come back in a puppy body soon.

Ákos Szabó


Milka - Great old Milka had passed away in august of 2022. He was 11 years old. We hope he will come back in a puppy body soon. is NOT FOR SALE. Contact me if interested in future litters.



Name: Milka - Great old Milka had passed away in august of 2022. He was 11 years old. We hope he will come back in a puppy body soon.
Breed: French Bulldog
Sex: Male
Coat: Chocolate
Born: July 11, 2011
Parents: -
Other: Health test resoults are: Hereditary Cataract: Clear; Patellas: normal; Heart: normal; Spinal X-ray: normal


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Milka - Great old Milka had passed away in august of 2022. He was 11 years old. We hope he will come back in a puppy body soon. is NOT FOR SALE. Interested in future litters? Click here or the Contact me button below.